Tuesday, January 27, 2009


We did another whirlwind trip to Tokyo today, took a bus from Chariyu all night and got into Tokyo at like 5am. Took a quick nap at an Internet Cafe (I love those spots) and then met up with my friend Max. It's always cool to see a familiar face when traveling. We hit up all the usual spots, FTC, W-Base, and Burton TYO. I met really cool cats at all three that was much appreciated, and Saw Nish designs at both FTC, and W-Base.

Next went to Yuko's friend Tyson's restaurant "Nuun". MAx is a vegetarian and eating veggie is hard in Tokyo but Nuun is one of the places one spot that has vegan dishes, and the crispy fried Tofu was great! Tyson has a couple other restaurants in Tokyo that I can't wait to try... Next trip. Yuko and I then met up with an old friend Hiro from NYC. Not much to say about Hiro just good times, and good drinks. Then one more stop to meet up with Jun by Tokyo Station. Jun is rad, hope to chill again, Check out the lurker suit behind Yuko! I just noticed it as I'm posting this. Gotta love Tokyo.

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