Wednesday, January 28, 2009


This morning at 5am after getting off of the bus from Tokyo we realized we had an hour until the buses started up. So we walked to a convenience store got a coffee sat on the curb to wait. Just then a police car pulled up and I got nervous. Old habit maybe but it turned out they were just making sure we were ok. They offered us a ride to a cafe so we got in. After Yuko talked with them they realized the walk back to our bus would be too far and wanted to give us a ride to her house but that was too far off of their beat. As they gave us a ride back to the store we started at they asked Yuko if NYC was safe. She answered I guess there are a lot of police on the streets. They answered wow it must be safer than here then. "Yeah right." Is a big police force a sign of safety?

Chiaki teaches Macrobiotic cooking in Toyohashi. Today we made Pizza with cheese made out of brown rice Mochi (Mocheese). Super good and I usually don't play that healthy stuff.

Chiaki's mom makes her own Plum wine. Best I've ever had.

Homemade Pizza Japanese style.

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